Friday, August 13, 2010

Quarter Life Mark and Interns

Today is my 25.5 birthday. Has it really been six months since my 25th birthday? Oh snap, yes it has. I will admit that being twenty-five is not all bad. It's been a fun year thus far. I guess that this officially means that I am now closer to 30 than 20. Oh how I remember by 20th birthday ... Riverboat in Memphis for Farmhouse Formal. I really remember thinking it was all down hill from there but really it has only gotten better.

Today I was introduced to my second group of Dietetic Interns. This time last year I was scared to death (maybe I still am). The positive thing this go round is that I am credentialed and all official. Maybe they will learn a thing or two from me... or they may leave more confused than ever! It will be a fun fall for sure!

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